Colorado Livestock Brand Book
This is an article with references about Cattle brand history and Branding Books.
Here are details about the Colorado Livestock Brand Book and how to purchase a copy.
Colorado State Brand Office Info
The Colorado brand office prints the brand book every five years immediately following the assessment of brands. The brand assessment payment must be received into the office on or prior to June 30, 2012, for the brand to be included in the new 2012 brand book.
The 2012 brand book will include all
brands recorded and paid as of June 30, 2012. The cost of the 2012 brand book will be $25.00 per book. An order form will be included with the 2012 brand assessment notices. Brand books may be pre-ordered starting January 1, 2012. Expected delivery of the new brand book is October 2012.
The following books are also available for sale from the brand office. The price per book is $30.00.
- 1997 Colorado Brand Book
- 2002 Colorado Brand Book
- 2007 Colorado Brand Book
The books may be purchased from the Colorado Brand Office, 4701 Marion Street, Ste 201, Denver CO 80216.
Please contact the brand office with any questions at (303) 294-0895.
Colorado Livestock Brand Book and Brand History
Kids Cowboy: Brand Book Article
Back in the days of the cattle driving era, every cowboy carried his own personal brand book. This reference was as much a part of his trail equipment as his six-gun or lariat.Brand books followed no standard size or pattern—they were as individualized as their owner. Some of the more wealthy cattlemen carried handsome leather-bound volumes filled with elaborate notes—while the ordinary cowboy packed a cheap paper tablet, curled and stained from use.However, the contents of each book were much the same. They contained brands of local herds, reports of stolen cattle, rough maps of cattle drives and other trail information that the cowboy needed for ready reference.Through the scribblings in a brand book, it was often possible for stray cattle to be returned to the rightful owner. When a strange brand turned up in a herd being sold, the owner—sometimes several counties away—would receive a check for steers he had never even missed!
Tags: cattle branding, Colorado Brand Book, livestock law, equine law, Littleton Law, Littleton Equine Lawyer, How to Read Cattle Brands, Brand Book, Colorado cattle brand book